Easily Missed Signs of ADHD in Children

signs of adhd in childrenIf you have labeled your child a troublemaker, undisciplined, or lazy, be aware that they may be suffering from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It is a disorder that manifests during childhood. Children affected by this disorder are not able to inhibit their responses. It affects movement, speech, and even their attention spans. The condition can affect your child’s ability to study and socialize.

The signs of ADHD in children are expected to appear before your child is seven years old. If you are not careful, you will not differentiate your potentially autistic child’s behavior from what is normal. If the signs appear only once in a while, then it may be normal behavior. However, if they consistently appear in all circumstances, it is possible that your child is a victim. Once you determine this condition, it is important to take the necessary corrective steps as quickly as possible.

The primary characteristics of ADHD include hyperactivity, inattentiveness, and impulsivity. The signs and symptoms exhibited by your child will depend on which type of primary characteristic they have. Your child may be inattentive but neither hyperactive nor impulsive. They could also be hyperactive and impulsive but good at paying attention. The most common type of suffers, however, may display all three characteristics at the same time.

Many parents and teachers may not actually know how to determine whether a child is inattentive. Many of them think that a child will not listen to anything at all. However, children with ADHD do listen but only to that which makes them happy. Topics of interest will catch their full attention, whereas they will never be attentive with topics they consider boring. They will avoid following set procedures and yearn to carry out duties in their own manner. You will find their organization of homework to be very poor, even after being taught several times. They will often lose their books and at times will not complete their homework. They will not be able to concentrate in very busy and noisy environments (a quiet and calm environment will give them the necessary environment for keeping their attention to the task at hand). When you are talking to them, you will discover that they are not listening to you. If you find your child with such inattentive behavior, then it is possible they have ADHD.

Hyperactive children will appear to be always on the move. They will want to engage in several activities all at once. If you manage to calm them, they will soon rev up and end up disobeying you. You will find them often fidgeting and squirming. They have a quick temper, especially when you try to stop them from doing what they desire. They are often boisterous when playing.

Impulsive children lack self-control. They are apt to interrupt all types of conversation, intrude on other people’s personal space, and make irrelevant inquiries. They will appear moody and overreact emotionally. They will perform activities without thinking. In class, you will find them rather rowdy and rude. They will shout aimlessly even when they have not been asked to answer a question. They believe they are more important than anyone else.

The above three primary characteristics are the most common signs of ADHD in children. If you find your child behaving abnormally, do not hesitate to find out why. However, some mental disorders may also cause these signs. It is important that you visit a qualified specialist who has the capability to diagnose ADHD. Helping your child to cope with ADHD involves enrolling them in therapy, providing them with a better diet, ensuring they get regular exercise, and working on their environment to reduce chances of distraction. The combined effort of you, your doctor, and your child’s teachers will help your child cope effectively.