Dyslexia in Children: Tricks for Dealing With It

dyslexia in childrenDyslexia is a neurological condition that has been around for a very long time. Dyslexia in children can be described as a learning disability that can limit a child’s ability to spell, speak, write, and read. It is unfortunate that many cases of this condition go undiagnosed until one has reached adulthood. Although this condition has been around for many years, it has no cure. Dyslexia arises from inheriting some genetic traits determining how the brain works. Despite the fact that this is a lifetime condition, children who are able to receive specialized education are able to succeed in their academic pursuits.

In the event that this condition is not diagnosed early enough, the child may become frustrated by the fact that he or she is unable to read, write, spell, or speak as well as other children. This frustration may trigger other symptoms that may disguise dyslexia. In such a situation, the child may appear depressed and may also develop a low self-esteem. It is common for children suffering from this condition to develop a dislike for school and also show behavior problems at school and at home.

Here are some tricks for dealing with the condition:

Accept the condition for what it is. If you want to help a child suffering from dyslexia, it is important that you see the condition as a learning disability and not a sign of failure on the part of the child. By showing children that you understand their condition, you will protect them from the urge to compensate for their learning disability, which could damage them more. It is also important to accept the fact that, although the condition will create challenges in the life of the child, his or her life is not doomed.

Be supportive to the child. It is worth noting that children who suffer from dyslexia are prone to frustrations and low self-esteem. When they are unable to do a simple task such as spelling, it may cause them to develop a dislike for school. It is therefore very crucial for everybody who is interacting with these kids to show them love and encourage them not to give up on their activities and talents. You should encourage the child to develop confidence in the areas in which they are strong and then try to transfer this confidence to other areas such as mathematics and science.

Offer encouragement. Offering encouragement and support is a very good way to help children suffering from dyslexia. Offer encouragement to these children, and investigate specific areas in their life where they need coaching, assistance, and training. Your encouragement and support should be not only through words but also through actions. It is vital for you to understand that a child with this condition may need help from different professionals such as physical therapists, speech therapists, occupational therapists, and psychologists. It is your responsibility to ensure that the child receives the necessary support for and self-knowledge about his condition.

Create a favorable environment for the child. As a person taking care of these children, you have the responsibility to create an environment that is conducive to learning. Provide them with a clean, organized, and a quiet place to study. Ensure all their nutritional and sleep needs are met, and ensure there’s a strong base of family support. Offer these children an opportunity to participate in different activities and outings where they can learn different skills.

Join a support group. This is another great way you can learn how to deal with a child suffering from dyslexia. In these support groups, you will meet other parents who have children with the same learning disability. Support groups are a good source of emotional and informational support.

Although dyslexia in children is a lifelong condition, it is important for you to understand that there is a lot you can do to improve the condition of the child. The attitude portrayed by the adults around the child has a huge impact and will greatly influence the kind of attitude that these children will develop towards their lives. If the adults show a positive attitude, then these children will develop a positive attitude. With a positive attitude, problems such as depression and low self-esteem will not occur.

How Super Parents Communicate With Autistic Children

autistic childrenParents naturally desire for their children to be healthy and happy. But what if one day your child comes back from school and the look on his/her face says something is wrong, but you can’t get them to tell you about it? This is the most dreadful scenario, one which no parent wants to come across, especially if you have autistic children. This is just one of the many situations a parent could find not only challenging but also emotionally draining. Therefore, it is essential that you, as a parent, find a method to communicate with your child and make them feel comfortable enough to share anything and everything with you.

Give the child a reason to communicate

It is important for a parent to build a strong and warm bond with their child of special needs. Understand that your child, given the circumstances, already feels socially and emotionally withdrawn. Therefore, it is necessary for him/her to have a place where they can be themselves and pour their hearts out. They should be given a reason and enough comfort to communicate with their own parents freely. And this is the sole responsibility of a parent — to listen and understand their children.

Understanding the communication

Children with autism often experience difficulty with their speech and therefore are more comfortable with gestures. Therefore, the parents should observe the method of communication of the child to further develop his/her strengths. The child will often use means like pictures, echolalia, crying, pointing, or using a parent’s hand to point at what they need.

Echolalia, if you haven’t heard of it, is a simple method which children with autism use to communicate. They repeat the words they have heard before. For instance, they would remember what was said to them when they asked for water and then use those words at a later point in a totally different situation. Echolalia, however, is a good sign that your child is progressing with his/her communication.

Let the child ask for help

As parents, we often have a tendency to do everything for our child with special needs — for example, dressing them for school, packing their bags, getting their shoes, and tying their shoelaces. This often does not give the child a chance to do things by themselves. Present the child with a task and let them do things on their own. It is often cumbersome to decide how much help a child with autism needs to do his/her stuff. But give them an opportunity to do it, and remind them you’re there to help if they need the help.

However, it is important to realize too much of anything is bad. So although you should not overpower your child, you should not leave them totally independent to do their own thing. Understand that your child is special and so are his/her needs. Therefore, it is important that there is an adult mingling with and supervising them in their activities, even if it is only playing. This is also another method in which parents can interact and be playful with their children and open means of communication with them. Take the role of a partner rather than a parent while dealing with your children.

When you assume the role of a friend or a partner with your child, you are not only opening avenues for the child to communicate with you but also increasing their ability to communicate. This way, they not only learn to converse easily but also learn to perform tasks without explicit direction. Try letting them ask you for what they want rather than just giving it to them.

Reward the Child

It is necessary that you sometimes follow the lead rather than always being the leader in the case of a child with autism. And it is so essential to encourage them every time they make a fresh attempt at interaction and understanding. This will give them a push to keep pursuing their method of communication.


Even parents who are good at communication with their autistic children often ask themselves whether they truly understand their children. But by paying attention to your child’s verbal and non-verbal attempts at communication, you’ll readily develop a much deeper rapport with your child. This is how super parents learn to speak their child’s language.

The Dangers of ADHD Medications for Children

adhd medications for childrenIt is true that the symptoms of hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattentiveness in children with ADHD can be alleviated with the help of medication. However, these medications have their own side-effects and risks. If you are the parent of a child with ADHD, it is important to learn the facts about the dangers of ADHD medications for children. If you want what is best for your child, as every parent surely does, make sure you make an informed decision after reading the following.

It can be difficult to decide whether or not you should give your child ADHD medication, but it can help if you do your homework. The first thing that needs to be understood is precisely what ADHA medications can and cannot do. ADHD medications may or may not improve a child’s ability to concentrate, control impulses, follow through with tasks, and plan ahead. In any event, these medications are not magic pills, so they will not fix all the problems of a child with ADHD. Even children who take ADHD medications may struggle with emotional problems, forgetfulness, and social awkwardness. Therefore, making lifestyle changes — including a healthy diet, regular exercise, and sufficient rest — is equally important.

The most common type of medication prescribed for ADHD is stimulant medication. Although the effectiveness of stimulants is backed up by considerable research, this type of medication has common side-effects:

Difficulty sleeping
Feeling restless and jittery
Loss of appetite
Mood swings
Racing heartbeat and palpitations
Nausea and stomach upsets

Apart from these potential side-effects, numerous safety concerns are also associated with ADHD stimulant medications:

Effects on the developing brain: It is not yet known what long-term impact ADHD medication has on the developing brain. According to some researchers, normal brain development in children and teenagers with ADHD may be hindered when using drugs such as Ritalin.

Heart-related problems: It has been found that ADHD medication increases the risk of sudden cardiac death in children and teenagers. The American Heart Association recommends that parents have their children undergo a cardiac evaluation before giving them stimulant medication.

Psychiatric problems: Symptoms of aggression, anxiety, depression, hostility, and paranoia in children may be aggravated or triggered by stimulants. Children with a personal history of bipolar disorder or depression are at much higher risk, so parents should carefully monitor them when giving them stimulants.

There are non-stimulant medications available, Strattera being one of the most common. Usually, the use of non-stimulant medications is considered because of the concerns and side-effects of stimulant ADHD medications. Even though Strattera is the only FDA-approved non-stimulant medication for the treatment of ADHD, it’s also associated with numerous side-effects:

Abdominal pain
Mood swings
Nausea, vomiting, and stomach upsets
Sleepiness and insomnia
Appetite suppression

There are also safety concerns with non-stimulant medications:

Liver problems: In rare cases, liver function in children taking non-stimulant medication for ADHD may be affected. Jaundice is among the early warning signs of liver problems.

ADHD medications of both varieties may lead to a rise in suicidal ideation in some children and teenagers, especially those suffering bipolar disorder or depression along with ADHD.

The dangers of ADHD medications for children are evident, and medication alone is not enough to treat ADHD in children. There is a lot that can be done to help children tackle the challenges of ADHD and lead a life that is calmer and more productive. This includes eating a healthy diet, exercising regularly, getting plenty of sleep, maintaining a positive attitude, and trying therapy. Even if you must give your child medication for ADHD, you will be able lower the dose if you encourage your child to make healthy lifestyle changes and consider self-help strategies.

Easily Missed Signs of ADHD in Children

signs of adhd in childrenIf you have labeled your child a troublemaker, undisciplined, or lazy, be aware that they may be suffering from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It is a disorder that manifests during childhood. Children affected by this disorder are not able to inhibit their responses. It affects movement, speech, and even their attention spans. The condition can affect your child’s ability to study and socialize.

The signs of ADHD in children are expected to appear before your child is seven years old. If you are not careful, you will not differentiate your potentially autistic child’s behavior from what is normal. If the signs appear only once in a while, then it may be normal behavior. However, if they consistently appear in all circumstances, it is possible that your child is a victim. Once you determine this condition, it is important to take the necessary corrective steps as quickly as possible.

The primary characteristics of ADHD include hyperactivity, inattentiveness, and impulsivity. The signs and symptoms exhibited by your child will depend on which type of primary characteristic they have. Your child may be inattentive but neither hyperactive nor impulsive. They could also be hyperactive and impulsive but good at paying attention. The most common type of suffers, however, may display all three characteristics at the same time.

Many parents and teachers may not actually know how to determine whether a child is inattentive. Many of them think that a child will not listen to anything at all. However, children with ADHD do listen but only to that which makes them happy. Topics of interest will catch their full attention, whereas they will never be attentive with topics they consider boring. They will avoid following set procedures and yearn to carry out duties in their own manner. You will find their organization of homework to be very poor, even after being taught several times. They will often lose their books and at times will not complete their homework. They will not be able to concentrate in very busy and noisy environments (a quiet and calm environment will give them the necessary environment for keeping their attention to the task at hand). When you are talking to them, you will discover that they are not listening to you. If you find your child with such inattentive behavior, then it is possible they have ADHD.

Hyperactive children will appear to be always on the move. They will want to engage in several activities all at once. If you manage to calm them, they will soon rev up and end up disobeying you. You will find them often fidgeting and squirming. They have a quick temper, especially when you try to stop them from doing what they desire. They are often boisterous when playing.

Impulsive children lack self-control. They are apt to interrupt all types of conversation, intrude on other people’s personal space, and make irrelevant inquiries. They will appear moody and overreact emotionally. They will perform activities without thinking. In class, you will find them rather rowdy and rude. They will shout aimlessly even when they have not been asked to answer a question. They believe they are more important than anyone else.

The above three primary characteristics are the most common signs of ADHD in children. If you find your child behaving abnormally, do not hesitate to find out why. However, some mental disorders may also cause these signs. It is important that you visit a qualified specialist who has the capability to diagnose ADHD. Helping your child to cope with ADHD involves enrolling them in therapy, providing them with a better diet, ensuring they get regular exercise, and working on their environment to reduce chances of distraction. The combined effort of you, your doctor, and your child’s teachers will help your child cope effectively.